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مجریان پروژه

مارکو سولمی و کریستف کارول هر دو مجری پروژه COH-FIT هستند، این دو از محققان پزشک هستند که سابقه طولانی در همکاری با طرح ها و ایده ها بزرگ دارند. در مواجهه با هجوم ویرانگر بیماری همه گیر کرونا (COVID-19)، هر دو آنها احساس اضطراب و نیاز شدید به سمت بسیج منابع درونی و بیرونی احساس کردند تا بتوانند به طور فعال اطلاعاتی را جمع آوری کنند. آنها بسیار خوش شانس بوده اند که به سرعت با بسیاری از همکاران برجسته و همفکر در سراسر جهان به هم پیوسته اند که احساس مسئولیت یکسانی داشتند و تیم COH-FIT را تشکیل دادند.

Prof. Christoph U. Correll

Christoph U. Correll, MD, is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.

His research and clinical work focus on the identification, characterization and treatment of youth and adults with severe mental illness, psychopharmacology, epidemiology, comparative effectiveness, and the interface between physical health and mental health.

He has authored over 600 journal articles, and received over 40 national and international awards for his work. Since 2014, the year of inception of this metric, he has been listed every year by Clarivate/Web of Science as one of the “most influential scientific minds” and “top 1% cited scientists in the area of psychiatry.

Dr. Marco Solmi

Marco Solmi, MD, PhD, is a Psychiatrist at The Ottawa Hospital, Investigator at Ottawa Health and Research Institute, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at University of Ottawa.

His main areas of clinical and research interest include physical health of people suffering from mental disorders, as well as prevention and early intervention of mental disorders.

He has authored over 260 international publications in peer-reviewed journals since 2013.

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